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Johannesburg, South Africa
Posted On
29, Aug 2018

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Strong Communication spells DR HAKIM +27785364465 for helping your boost and your confidence.

Here are a communication spells that is ideal for helping your boost your confidence and improves your public speaking skills. If you are going to be doing a speech or presentation, try this.

·        1 dark blue candle

·        1 yellow candle

·        A big chunk of fresh ginger

·        2 sprigs of fresh thyme

Set up the candles at each end of your altararea and light them. Cut away some of the tough skin of the ginger root, andrub the fresh juice on your fingertips. Hold each hand above one of the candlesand let the warmth flow up into your fingers. 

Say in a very loud voice:

When I speak
Power hits its peak
My voice is strong
My words are not wrong

Now take one of the thyme sprigs, and burn it inthe yellow candle flame. Repeat the words again. Do the same with the bluecandle, and say the words loudly.

Move the candles next to each other at thispoint, and rub some of the ginger root on each one. Now leave them to burn outon their own.


Email: drhakimspellcaster@gmail.com

Call: +27785364465

Info:  https://www.drhakimspellscaster.com

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